Grilled Tuna with Mango Salsa

Fish is full of all kinds of great nutrients and healthy fats, but sometimes it can be hard to find an interesting way to prepare and serve it. We tend to shop the sales for fish at Whole Foods, whatever seems fresh and is reasonable. This week, tuna steaks were on sale. We used Soy Vay teriyaki sauce to marinate the fish and then grilled it (4-6 minutes per side depending on the thickness and how you like it.) This salsa is a perfect accompaniment to fish. It adds a touch of sweetness and a huge amount of flavor. I think it is just the right amount of heat, but you can adjust the spices to your taste. Ali added lots of things that we just keep around our house and it came out perfect! Enjoy!!

Ali & Kelly

Ali and Kelly’s Mango Salsa

2 Ripe Mangos

1 ½ Ripe Avocados

2 Tomatoes

1 Serrano Chili

1 Green Onion

2 t Pickled Jalapeno Juice

2 t Vinegar

1 t Lime Juice

½ – 1 t Red Chili Flakes

Salt & Pepper

Cube the mango and avocado and add to a bowl. Finely chop the tomatoes, green onion, the chili (including the seeds) and add to the bowl. Gently combine all the ingredients and season to taste with salt and pepper. Can be made a day or two ahead and stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

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