It is just getting to feel like fall here in Colorado. This may be my favorite time of year; comfortable days and cool nights. We have the benefit of beautiful seasons and amazing colors on the trees, especially in the mountains. Plus, I love being able to go and run any time of day and feel comfortable! Things feel kind of relaxed and crazy at the same time this weekend, so I am glad to be done with errands and take a quiet night at home with a glass of wine, some Chicken Fried Rice and football. Hope you have a fabulous weekend!


I hope everyone is having a beautiful Friday and has fabulous weekend plans! Here is a little something pretty to brighten up your day. These are our lilies that have taken over our front garden. I wish you could smell them! Amazing.


I have mentioned this once or twice before, but I am not exactly an experienced do-it-yourselfer. I did lots of crafty things in college (as a sorority girl it was required). In general though, if I know someone else can do it better than me, I might just enlist my “get a guy” strategy. This summer however, I have tried to take on a few small projects to hone new skills. (Remember my garden??) Anyway, this time I decided to take on a small painting project. We have some “art niches” in our entry and they really needed some contrast.

So, we decided on going with a dark contrast color in the back with a slight metallic sheen. The Ralph Lauren paint we chose had a textured roller to create the lovely finish. They had instructions on how to best apply the paint as well.

I did not use a primer in this case because it was a small space and the existing paint was a creamy color and not bright white.

By using a ‘W’ pattern, I got good coverage, then I went back over the paint with the textured roller from top to bottom to create the final effect.

My attempt at removing the tape did not go perfectly, so I took a small brush to cut in.

Overall, I think it came out looking great! Think it’s an improvement??


Flowers can liven up any space, indoors or out, and I love having them around. Mary and I were out shopping one day and found a cheerful arrangement of flowers for the front walk. The only problem is that I don’t garden. Seriously, I love to learn new things but this is just not something I have mastered. Something got into me and I decided to tackle the project and it turned out to be so much fun! Plus, it has been fun to see it progress. It has been a few weeks and I haven’t killed them yet. Have you planted anything fun for this summer?


Petunias, Dahlias, and Agapanthus

Once again, MiricleGro is made for people like me!

Prepping for the holes…

I cut through the weed barrier fabric in an ‘X’ shape and folded it under.

Digging holes…

I added soil to each hole to help the plants live in our clay soil.

I used a knife to divide the plants in order to get more bang for our buck!

Happy Dahlia J

The finished border.

Our flowers growing in and all spruced up for the 4th!

Now all it takes is water daily and some fertilizer every few weeks. I am still experimenting, but this is a good start.

It’s Sunday Funday and its time for the ‘Song of the Week’!
Today’s song is ‘Way Out Here’ written by David Lee Murphy, Casey Beathard and written and performed by Josh Thompson. The song peaked at #15 on the Hot Country Songs Charts.
Find it on Josh Thompson’s Debut album also titled ‘Way Out Here’
This song describes the America I live in, we live in and we should keep living in. Based on exactly what Teddy Roosevelt described:
“Americanism means the virtues of courage, honor, justice, truth, sincerity, and hardihood. – The virtues that made America.”
Teddy Roosevelt
